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넥타이 매는 법 (포인핸드, 윈저)

by 시무정 2021. 1. 27.


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면접이나 중요한 자리에서 남성분들은 양복을 입습니다.

셔츠와 바지, 벨트를 착용하는건 너무나 쉬운 일이지만...


넥타이는 얘기가 좀 다르죠.


제 기준에 가장 매기 편하거나, 가장 깔끔해보이는 두가지 넥타이 매듭법을 공유하려고 합니당.


첫번째는 포인핸드, 플레인 노트라고도 하쥬..


두번째는 윈저 노트입니다.

1. 포인핸드 넥타이 





How To Tie A Four-in-Hand Knot | Ties.com

About the Four-In-Hand Knot Named after a 19th Century Gentleman's Club of the same name, the Four-in-Hand is the reigning champion of necktie knots. Its popularity stems from its simplicity and versatility. It is easy to tie, slender, tapered, mildly asym




2. 윈져





How To Tie A Windsor Knot | Ties.com

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How To Tie A Half Windsor Knot | Ties.com

About the Half-Windsor Knot The Half Windsor knot is an extremely versatile knot. Unlike what the name suggests, the Half Windsor knot is actually closer to three-quarters the size of the Windsor knot. The Half Windsor is medium in size, nearly symmetrical





How To Tie A Simple Knot (Oriental Knot) | Ties.com

About the Simple Knot Also known as the Oriental, Kent knot and Petit Noeud, the Simple Knot contains the fewest possible steps and is very easy to learn. Despite its simplicity, this knot is rarely worn in the West but maintains popularity in China. This





How To Tie A Kelvin Knot | Ties.com

About the Kelvin Knot The Kelvin necktie knot is named after Lord Kelvin (William Thomson, 1824-1907) a mathematical physicist who contributed to the theory of knots in relation to atomic structure. The Kelvin is an extension of the Simple knot. Like the S





How To Tie A Prince Albert Knot | Ties.com

About the Prince Albert Knot The Prince Albert knot is a variation on the Victoria knot. There is no evidence to suggest that the Prince Albert was actually worn by its namesake, Prince Albert, husband to Queen Victoria. In the Prince Albert knot the activ




How To Tie A Pratt Knot (Shelby Knot) | Ties.com

About the Pratt Knot Jerry Pratt, the inventor of the Pratt Knot, worked for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. For 30 years, Mr. Pratt had tied his necktie in his distinct fashion before anchorman Don Shelby "discovered" and publicized it on local television i





How To Tie A Eldredge Knot | Ties.com

About the Eldredge Knot The Eldridge is a unorthodox, complex & eye-catching necktie knot that involves 15 separate steps. It was invented by Jeffrey Eldredge in 2007 and achieved internet fame in 2008. As opposed to the vast majority of tie knots, the Eld





How To Tie A Van Wijk Knot | Ties.com

About the Van Wijk Knot The incredibly tall and cylindrical Van Wijk knot was invented by artist Lisa van Wijk in an attempt to create the tallest wearable knot possible. The Van Wijk is an augmentation of the Prince Albert, adding a third turning of the a





How To Tie A Trinity Knot | Ties.com

About the Trinity Knot The Trinity knot, much like the Eldredge knot, is a relatively recent innovation. The finished knot shares a resemblance with the Celtic Triquetra knot. Tied using the small end as the active end, this knot is initially tied loosely





How To Tie A Murrell Knot | Ties.com

About the Murrell Knot Invented by Brent Murrell in 1995, the Murrell is an inversion of a classic Windsor knot. In its completed form, the tail end lays in front of the large end creating a playful layered look. The knot produced by the Murrell is triangu





How To Tie A Balthus Knot | Ties.com

About the Balthus Knot The Balthus knot was invented circa 1930 by Balthus (Balthasar Klossowski), a controversial Polish-French modern artist. The Balthus knot is as large as necktie knots come (significantly bigger than the Windsor). When executed proper




보우타이 (나비넥타이)


How To Tie A Bow Tie | Ties.com

About the Bow Tie The bow tie is a descendant of the knotted cravat. It was born from the need for neckwear that was easier to wear than the cravat and that would last throughout a more active day. By the end of the 19th century, the butterfly and batwing




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